Monday, December 31, 2007 @ 3:39 PM
i moved.
goodbyee blogger, it's now.

Sunday, December 30, 2007 @ 2:20 PM
Oh my god.
There's a blogskins thread talking about "I am Legend",
I can't believe people actually like that thing.
Has there ever been a movie with a bigger loop hole in the plot?

Anyway, school's reopening soon and I'm actually really, really excited
though I only did like 1/5 of my homework, LOL.
Yea, I did one jian bao, on the MRT seats.
It's so stupid, what if they raise the MRT fare? Will YOU pay for me? :(
Oh and I need my EZ-link card too, I guess.

I am really very excited about going back to school.
Also CCA tryouts though I most prolly wont get to pon lesson this year.

Oh and my sister hasn't collected the kitten yet,
Which is probably the best since we haven't bought the stuff yet either.
Uhn well I think I'll find a day to get them with her.
My sis wants to name him theodore which I think is a sucky name.
But I have no brilliant ideas myself, either.
I think Cola will be a nice name but it sounds kinda stupid.

Friday, December 28, 2007 @ 7:37 PM
Had a headache today so I didn't go for CCA.
Which pulls my attendance to less tahn 75% ! ;o
Not that it matters much since the overall should be above that.

Strangely, my mother didn't have much to say about the
"hey mums sis is going to bring home a cat tomorrow" thing :)
Which is awesomhe! I'll finally have a cat.
A ginger cat! That needs to be named. I have no ideas! D;
But I'll figure it out. Yay! Cat! It can sleep in the spare room.
(I realized that people find it weird to call it my Ahma's room since she passed away already).

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 @ 8:52 AM
I woke up at 5:33 today! AM! :D
That's so cool eh! :D
You know the last time I've always hated "headlight disco".

(Don't bother staring at the video, the picture doesn't change).

I haven't touched my cello yet and I've only got like 3 days left :/
Oh, and chinese homework, I haven't started either!!
But the homework is okay la, I'll leave that to the weekends.
And not care if I can't finish them, lol.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @ 11:35 AM
I am so, so bored.
Sora called me a grinch today. Which isn't untrue, I guess.
But I think I only dislike christmas because of christmas eve dinner.
Which is stupid, because I'm not even christian.
My sister only goes so she gets to eat turkey. Wow xmas spirit! -_-

I made the skin for my CCA blog. I'm quite ashamed of it, really.
It's lousy enough to be one of my 'reject' skins.
But it'll have to do since there isn't a lot to work with.
I edited the skin, think it looks fine now :D

Anyway, christmas dinner! It was quite sucky.
Cause my sister told me that we had to wear something 'formal'.
So I wore a dress and heels. Can you believe that :/
And in the end the food was either chewy or sour.
I don't see why all the dinners have to be so expensive,
I have no problem with mac delivery you know.

Monday, December 24, 2007 @ 11:34 AM
I never understood what JK rowling meant when she described Draco's "drawl" until I watched strawberry shortcake. The stupid pinky characters speak slow like fuck. I could swim ten laps, come back and not miss anything. The plot is freaking stupid too, STOPPING A CANDY CANE MACHINE? Why don't you just pull out the plug? Are you stupid? Oh yea, you are.

No wonder toddlers these days are so retarded as well.

It's just a plot to stupidify everyone so their thinking will be easier to conform.
Not that it matters, since they'll just force us to do as they want us to.
Even if we don't believe it.

If there's anything anyone ever taught me in my past 14 years on this planet, it's to gain power so you can lord over everyone and have double standards and get away with it. Oh yea. And kill my friends if they try to stop me. Which isn't the point, since my friends won't try to stop me if I have power, they'll suck on to every word I say and pretend it's true and possibly philosophical even if it's dumb shit like, "Banana bread does not contain banana or bread".

I hate everyone.


6:02 AM

Today has been SO wonderful even though I did less than nothing.
No. Of course I did something.
I rated all the submissions for the rockstar competition (blogskins).
So, if any of submitters read this before I post the comments.
ARE YOU EXCITED? :D I know I am, and I didn't even participate.
I posted the comments, go check! :D

Oh, and I 'found' this user on blogskins, kissandtelll.
You know the recent users are pissing me off by having nicer usernames than me.
Back to kissandtell. She made the title and time of her entries in the same line!! THE WAY IT IS WHEN YOU USE LIVEJOURNAL!!! THE WAY I'VE WANTED MINE TO BE SINCE @%^$@^ YEARS AGO. Turns out, all you need to do is the float: left/right thing. I would feel sad that I'm so dumb, but I'm too happy I finally know how to do it!!
Thanks so much, kissandtell. I owe you a lifetime of servitude.


star shaped pea
c h e e h i n
I'm really an expired pea, cause peas can't live for 14 years. I love the other peas of 2J'07 a lot, yea.
loves spiderman, jigsaw puzzles, photography, my chemical romance, old disney stuff and reading (even if you don't believe it).
I'm more interesting than that, of course.

leave a message
a note of love

It took time to see.
the archives.
December 2007


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